

Men retreat from 'hassle' of loving relationships

I agree with the author.
But I think men can't say "please marry me." to women easily bacause recently mens' income is getting less. So they are hard if they get married. I think men can't keep money for date from a little salary if they use money for hobby. So men is getting to be not interested in women.

4 件のコメント:

baby pink さんのコメント...

I agree with you saying men's income is getting less these days because of the depression. But still they can get both of a girlfriend and hobbies. I think some guy put their hobbies first and girlfriend second. They just do what they want to like children.

ddcgc donardo さんのコメント...

I agree with you. But I wonder men don't date with women becasue of only money. I wonder women came to want greater men than before...

☆Shooting-Star★ さんのコメント...

Hi. I agree with you. as you said when they get married, they have to have mucu more responsibility to be with women. How do they think what women can do to lessen their burden?

imyu さんのコメント...

I think that now man is a little childish, so they can't support women and others. I hope they become more gentle men.